Our dental hygienists and assistants can host multiple educational sessions at your school or community event! We cater our presentations to the age range we’re presenting to varying from Pre-K-5th grade. You can expect about half an hour of interactive full-filled games and demonstrations. Our goal is to help kids learn, understand, and retain healthy habits that will last a lifetime! That’s why our team uses a variety of visual props including puppets, giant toothbrushes, and more to keep the kids engaged and involved in a fun learning experience.
- Both healthy and unhealthy foods for your teeth
- How to properly brush and floss
- Fluoride toothpaste
- What to expect at your first dental appointment
Our team conducts School Dental Presentations and Dental Screenings across Phladelphia schools, Head Start programs, daycares, preschools, after-school programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA’s, local community events, and more.